International Practical Shooting Confederation

hunt-1IPSC is a dynamic shooting sport where the principles of Accuracy, Speed and Power are balanced in a unique scoring system. IPSC has defined Action Shooting. It requires competitors to shoot fast and accurately, often shooting on the move and developing techniques and styles to shave off fractions of a second between shots, during reloads and drawing from the holster.

IPSC shooting is about competing with handguns, rifles and shotguns in dynamic courses of fire. Safe gun handling is essential all the while emphasizing accuracy, power and speed, in high-level competitions found around the world. Different courses of fire featuring multiple targets, moving, reactive and penalty targets, obstacles and movement are the norm. They also make viable freestyle competitive strategies and techniques a part of IPSC shooting to keep its athletes challenged and spectators entertained.


To Become A Member - The First Year

In order to become an active shooting member in IPSC Ontario you are required to successfully complete our Black Badge Training Program. This usually consists of approximately three or four hours of classroom information and about sixteen hours of actual shooting on a range. If you have had some shooting experience, and think you'd like to participate in a very unique, and dynamic shooting sport, then you've come to the right place.


Getting Started

To sign up for a Black Badge course in your area, go to: Upcoming Black Badge Courses on the IPSC Ontario Website or if you have any questions about becoming a member don't hesitate to contact your Wentworth IPSC Representative.


Junior Program

If you are not yet eighteen years of age and would like to become a member of IPSC Ontario, please visit IPSC Ontario "Futures" Program.


Practice Day

On almost every Thursday night, WSSC offers an IPSC practice which is set up like a match using an R.O. and following current edition IPSC rules. This practice is open to members and non-members* as long as the participant:

  • Hold a IPSC Black Badge

  • Be willing to help out during the course of the night with score keeping

  • Help out with Set Up or Tear Down
  • Full Metal Jacket / Full Copper Coated ONLY

Start time will be around 5:30 PM or when we have the full first squad present.
Doors close at 7:00PM.

Cost is:
$2.00 for members
$5.00 for non-members

* Non-Members Must Have an Invitation Letter.

IPSC Contact

[email protected]




Interesting facts about IPSC in Ontario
  • There are more than 1000 members of IPSC Ontario.

  • IPSC Ontario hosts more than 150 matches throughout Ontario every year.

  • IPSC Ontario over a dozen Level II matches on the Match Calendar each year

  • IPSC Ontario hosts several International Level III matches each year

  • IPSC Ontario currently has over 30 affiliated Ontario clubs

  • Every year we certify number of new Range Officers and Chief Range Officers

  • IPSC Ontario Instructors generally train about 100 to 150 new Black Badge holders per year

  • IPSC Ontario publishes periodical SitRep newsletter for it's members

  • IPSC Ontario promotes practical shooting



ICORE is an IPSC Rules based revolver only discipline that is in the process of being introduced at Wentworth. We have held one match and are looking forward to joining the Sharron and Frontenac clubs in hosting matches.


IPSC Ontario
IPSC Canada
IPSC World Body